Healing the Downsized OrganizationWhat Every Employee Needs to Know About Today's New Workplace【電子書籍】[ Delorese Ambrose ]

Healing the Downsized OrganizationWhat Every Employee Needs to Know About Today's New Workplace【電子書籍】[ Delorese Ambrose ] Healing the Downsized OrganizationWhat Every Employee Needs to Know About Today's New Workplace【電子書籍】[ Delorese Ambrose ] Healing the Downsized OrganizationWhat Every Employee Needs to Know About Today's New Workplace【電子書籍】[ Delorese Ambrose ]

<p>Healing the Downsized Organization is for managers and employees who must make sense of dramatically changed workplaces after reengineering, restructuring, or downsizing. Here are "best practices" from those who are successfully reinventing their organizations and re-creating healthy workplaces. Documented examples from executives, managers, and employees who have bounced back from this challenge reveal how they minimized pain during downsizing and discovered promising possibilities for changed employer-employee relationships.</p> <p>Dramatic profiles of four organizations--representing manufacturing, media journalism, education, and health care--provide lessons you can practice today, whether downsizing is unfolding now or whether it looms in the future. From interviews with CEOs, managers, and employees, you will understand how individuals at all levels have handled the tension between personal and organizational goals, managed the human struggles, and achieved victories as they cut costs and redeployed resources to face competition or changing market conditions.</p> <p>You will learn how these companies and individuals coped with downsizing, including:</p> <p>, how "survivors" regained momentum, focus, and job satisfaction after downsizing<br /> , what kinds of company-employee interactions allowed trust to be rebuilt<br /> , how managers succeeded in balancing the concerns of those who left and those who stayed<br /> , ways to be an effective leader in the transitional period<br /> , approaches to forge a new employer-employee social contract for the emerging workplace</p> <p>Healing the Downsized Organization is the recovery book for the downsizing of America.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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